MoonSharp provides Kerbalua a useful way to iterate over dotnet collections.

for item in collection do
    -- something

Using the native list of ship parts from we can iterate over each part and each module.

ship is a global that gives us the current ship if we are in Flight Mode, null otherwise.

So this script iterates and prints each part:

for part in do

If you want to print all the modules as well you can access the Modules member of a part to get a list of the modules as in this script:

for part in do
    for module in part.Modules do

If you do that, you might see something like the following in the output.

o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleCommand)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleReactionWheel)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleColorChanger)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleScienceExperiment)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleScienceContainer)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleConductionMultiplier)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleDataTransmitter)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleLiftingSurface)
o> mk1pod.v2 (FlagDecal)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModulePartVariants)
o> mk1pod.v2 (ModuleTripLogger)
o> fuelTank.long (ModulePartVariants)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleEngines)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleJettison)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleGimbal)
o> liquidEngine2 (FXModuleAnimateThrottle)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleAlternator)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleSurfaceFX)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleTestSubject)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleTestSubject)
o> Decoupler.1 (ModuleDecouple)
o> Decoupler.1 (ModuleToggleCrossfeed)
o> Decoupler.1 (ModuleTestSubject)
o> fuelTank.long (ModulePartVariants)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleEngines)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleJettison)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleGimbal)
o> liquidEngine2 (FXModuleAnimateThrottle)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleAlternator)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleSurfaceFX)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleTestSubject)
o> liquidEngine2 (ModuleTestSubject)
o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleCommand)
o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleReactionWheel)
o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleSAS)
o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleKerbNetAccess)
o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleDataTransmitter)
o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleTripLogger)

When printing a module what gets printed for each module is first the part name, and then the module name.

So when we printed the module ModuleCommand of the part probeCoreHex.v2 in the loop,

o> probeCoreHex.v2 (ModuleCommand)


Parts in KSP have multiple modules. Mods can add modules to existing parts, so if you run the script, it may produce a different output, depending on which mods you have installed, for a given ship.