
(Starting at version 0.5.0, parts of LiveRepl are no longer disabled when running a script because LiveRepl now allows you to run multiple scripts at a time.)

LiveRepl is the main user interface for the project. It is used to write, load, and evaluate scripts that interact with KSP.

LiveRepl is shown or hidden by clicking the LiveRepl Icon on the toolbar (which is just a small icon with the words “Live Repl”)

LiveRepl will intercept keyboard button presses when you have the mouse over the window.

LiveRepl consists of:



There are a number of hotkeys for using LiveRepl without taking your hands off the keyboard. These can be shown by clicking the Show Hotkeys button. You can navigate between the Repl Input Area, Editor, Scriptname Input Area, and Completion Area and also move around within these parts using hotkeys.


There are some limitations with LiveRepl which may be fixed over time.